Sunday, 18 March 2012

03. Importing from AutoCAD and Introduction to Layers

Step 1
Starting with a new file, you can import the file you created in the AutoCAD tutorials by clicking "File" and "Import".

In the drop down at the bottom ensure that "Files of type" is set to "AutoCAD files". You can then find you file on your computer.

Before clicking okay, you MUST click on "Options" and set the Units to "Milimeters", and TICK THE BOX next to "Preserve drawing origin". If you do not do this the file will lose it's scale.

You can then click "OK" and "Open" to import the file.

Step 2
This dialogue box will just tell you what is being imported. You can just click "Close".

Step 3
You will now see the lines from the AutoCAD file. You can see Sketchup Susan and the AutoCAD file appears to be at a suitable scale in proportion to her.

Step 4
Check to see whether the AutoCAD lines are a group or individual lines.

If they are individual lines make them into a group by right clicking and selected the option "Make Group".

An AutoCAD 2004 and earlier file will normally be imported as a group. Files from later versions of AutoCAD will usually be imported as individual lines.

We put them into a group to try and avoid accidentally modifying them.

Step 5
Open up the "Layers" dialogue box from the top menu.

Step 6
Sketchup has retained the layers from the AutoCAD file.

When working in Sketchup it is usually helpful to retain the CAD file as it was, and create new layers to use within Sketchup.

Here I have renamed the AutoCAD layers so that I can easily identify them. I have also created three new Sketchup layers called "SKP - External Walls", "SKP - Internal Walls" and "SKP - Roofs".

Note the tick boxes down the right hand side indicate whether a layer is switched on or off. The radio buttons down the left hand side indicate the CURRENT layer.

Turn off the "ACAD - Internal Walls" layer, and set the CURRENT layer to "SKP - External Walls".

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