Sunday, 18 March 2012

11. Shadows

Step 1
Firstly go to "View -> Toolbars -> Solar North".

Step 2
This will give you three new tools with which you can edit the sun settings.

Step 3
If you toggle on the North Arrow you will see a thick orange line out from the origin which shows you the direction North.

Step 4
You can use the "Set North" tool to choose the angle using a protractor.

Step 5
You point in the direction you want North to be a just click.

Step 6
Alternatively you can "Specify Angle" and then input an angle for the North arrow, drawn clockwise from the green axis.

Step 7
For now I will leave the North Arrow pointing roughly in the direction shown.

Step 8
Form the Shadows palette select "Show Shadows", and you will see the shadow cast by the sun on the house, it seems to have recognised the North point. Note from the same palette you can also set the time of day and time of year, as well as go into "Shadow Options" to set the light and dark as well as what kinds of surfaces receive shadows.

From the options panel, since we have contours in the model it is worth turning off the selection "On Ground", as Sketchup considers the ground as the flat red green axis, which is higher than some of the model space (The contours below that level). The contours are thought of as "model" rather than "ground" by the program so if you turn on "model" then the shadows should show correctly.

Step 9
Now turn the shadows off and we will set the latitude and longitude.

Step 10
Choose from the top "Window -> Model Info", and then from the options in the new window select "Geo Location".

Choose "Get Location".

Step 11
Now Google Earth will open, find the location of your building and zoom in.

Step 12
Once zoomed in hit the button "Select Region".

Step 13
You can move the corners of the box and then select "Grab" to complete the action.

Step 14
This has now set the geographical location, but you also have a rather ugly looking sit photograph. Select it and it will appear red.

Choose from the top "Window -> Entity Info".

Step 15
In the new dialogue box which opens untick "Locked" and then after a few seconds when you able to check the box next to "hidden".

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